Hey Runner!

I'm here to help you run injury free and faster, with less effort. All while building a body that looks lean, fit and athletic. 
You only need 20 min a day to improve your strength and mobility as well as your body's ability to burn fat more efficiently! 

Strong in 20 by OutrunTheBear.net

Daily 20 min programs

Accessable on your phone or computer as a web page or an app

20 min Strength 2-3 times per week

The program can be done at home or the gym. The original Strong in 20 program, just improved. Easy to follow, highly effective exercises. Train smarter for better results. And you won't repeat the same workouts over and over!

Mobility workouts 2 times per week

 Lack of mobility is one of the main causes for injury. We'll help you improve mobility where you need it and you'll feel great after each session. Better mobility, flexibility and stability to improve running from and posture.

Injury prevention twice weekly

In addition to your strength and mobility workouts on separate days, you'll get a runners' injury prevention program which focuses on common areas such as firm and strong glutes plus core and abs
Ready to thrive? Get strong. Flexible. Mobile. Improve posture, balance and running technique. Say goodbye to niggles and recurring injuries.
Let's get you looking, feeling and performing your best!

Strong in 20 (Now includes mobility and injury prevention workouts at no extra cost)

20 min only 2-3 per week is all you need. 

Resistance training program
Main Focus: Making you stronger- improve muscle tone
Body parts: Full body including glutes and upper legs, shoulders and arms as well as core
Time needed: 20 min
Strong in 20: 2-3 times per week (20min)
Mobility: 2 times per week (10-20min)
Injury prevention: 45-60 min 

Who is for: Runners, but anyone will benefit, especially busy people.
Can I combine this with my running? Yes, you should! This program is designed to make you a better, more resilient and efficient runner.  You can do this all year round,  doesn't matter if you are training for a 10k or an ultra. 

 Running on its own can be hard on your joints and it is catabolic, which means you not only lose fat, but you lose muscle too.  Having a healthy amount of functional muscle not only looks good, but it is vital for optimal health- including hormonal balance and metabolic health

Being strong greatly reduces your risk of injury but you also need to have acceptable mobility otherwise injury is inevitable. Which is why we give you 2x weekly mobility workouts to do on your rest days. And to round it off you will have access to an easy to do injury prevention program.  This won't leave you tired but it does take a little longer.  Nice low impact workouts to do on any day. It can be split in two to fit in with any schedule. A nice 'side effect' of this program is that it firms your butt and sculpt your abs!

What others are saying...

Hey there! I'm SO glad you found me!

I'm Jane. I help driven, soul-centered people like you regain confidence, energy and live a vibrant life.

I didn't arrive here easily, though.

For years, I felt helpless inside my own body.... Even as I was learning how to integrate more holistic and “crunchy” habits into my life, I was still struggling daily...

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© Lerentia Strydom

Start your Free Trail Daily 20 min strength workouts, injury prevention and mobility- designed for runners 
Run Pain free

Run faster with less effort

Look great!

Run strong program
The secret to running effortless and pain free
Out Run the Bear programming will help unlock your full potential by increasing your range of motion, strengthening supporting muscles and creating overall muscular balance.

Easy to follow workouts designed by accomplished runner, Sport and Conditioning coach and mother of three Lerentia Strydom

✔️ Weekly Progressive Stretching & Mobility Routines - 10-15 minutes in length

✔️ Highly effective strength programs - designed for runners. Done in less than 20min, at home, two to three times a week

✔️ Specific injury prevention programs for posture correction, hip mobility to improve and prevent pain and injuries. 

✔️ Designed to upgrade your body to not only look fitter, stronger and more athletic, but to be faster and more resilient.

✔️ Prevent common niggles and injuries like achilles, calf, shin splints, knee, IT band, low back, hips and more!

 Lerentia Strydom- CPT, S&C

The key to running pain free
Don't let niggles and tight muscles hold you back

Runners, both seasoned and beginners, often find themselves sidelined by injuries, a frustrating interruption to their training and progress. This commonality of injury among runners stems from several factors, with overuse being a primary culprit. The repetitive nature of running places consistent stress on the same muscles, tendons, and joints. Without sufficient rest and recovery, this stress accumulates, leading to strains, sprains, and other injuries. The importance of smart programming to allow your body to  adapt and strengthen in response to the demands of running cannot be over stated.

Another pivotal factor contributing to running injuries is improper form and technique. Many runners unknowingly adopt inefficient running mechanics, which can place uneven stress on the body. For example, overpronation or underpronation in footfall, asymmetrical arm swings, or an imbalanced hip drop can all lead to complications over time.  Professional guidance in optimizing running technique can help you running with the least amount of effort.

Neglecting strength training, flexibility and mobility exercises is a common oversight that increases injury risk among runners. Incorporating strength training, particularly exercises that target the core and lower body, can significantly enhance a runner's resilience by supporting joints and reducing the impact on ligaments and tendons. Flexibility and mobility work, such as stretching and dynamic targeted movement exercises, improve range of motion and muscle elasticity, further safeguarding against overuse injuries. By embracing a holistic approach to running that includes varied types of physical conditioning, runners can not only minimize their likelihood of injury but also elevate their overall performance. Making these practices a staple in one’s running regimen paves the way for a healthier, more enjoyable running journey.