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Meet Lerentia Strydom

Who is Lerentia Strydom
Lerentia is a personal trainer and sports and condition coach who has worked with 1000's of people both in person and online. She is an accomplished trail runner, ex netball player plus coach and used to be a swimming coach. 
Lerentia is an expert in weight loss and body recomposition for ordinary people as well as athletes. Her programs and methods are unique. It is designed to change the way your body works, rather than just focus on calories in vs calories out which can only give you temporary results. 

This website was born to help people get out of the almost endless cycle of dieting and regaining weight which is a direct result of the health and fitness industry's false promises. The sad truth for most people is that the only way they get out of this cycle is when they just give up. All they are left with is more stubborn fat, low self esteem, hormonal imbalance and a slow metabolism. 

As a wife and mom of three, she knows how challenging it can be to reach any goal. It is easy to neglect your own health while taking care of others.


In her own words:

Outrun the Bear is my way to help people overcome obstacles and improve their lives through the power of exercise. 

The origin of the name: OUTRUNTHEBEAR.NET
Bodybuilders and dietiticians love to say things like "losing weight is 90% diet and 10% exercise" or, and this is where this website got its name from- Trying to out train a bad diet is like trying to outrun a bear- you can't"

Statements like these by the health and fitness industry are pointing people in the wrong direction. All diets are designed to let you eat less than you expend- high fat, low fat, no bread, no dairy, fasting or simply tracking your calories, it doesn't matter. All work (temporarily) for the same reason- you eat less. Dieticians would rightfully point out that to lose weight you need to eat less than you what you burn. But focussing mainly on diet is such a narrow minded view. 

Being on a low calorie diet is a short term solution to losing weight. Eventually your metabolism slows down, your energy and zest for life goes and if done long enough you will run into health problems. 

What you probably didn't know is that there are no clear evidence as to which diet is best for health. Research has also shown that you can lose weight with any diet, as long as you are in a calorie deficit. There are strong evidence as to what is bad for us- like trans fats and excess sugar, but the reality is that research has failed to proof much else beyond the obvious- don't eat highly processed, high caloric foods. 

EXERCISE- by far the most important thing you can do for your health.

So this is the real story behind Outrunthebear.net

I have seen this over and over again. The right type of exercise is not only good for weight loss and physical health it is great for mental health.

When you exercise consistently and smartly, you can achieve remarkable things. Exercise awakens your body again. It is nothing short of magic how your body can repair and heal itself. Your body is made to move. Challenging yourself through exercise, is the fountain of youth. 

Exercise can reverse or signicfantly reduce the rate of ageing. 

I created OUTRUNTHEBEAR.NET to make it as easy as possible for anyone to get fit, strong and healthy. 
Once you are fit and strong, everything else is easier. 
Many runnners join to increase their strength so that they can run stronger and injury free. Many non runners join to lose weight or to gain energy. Some use their fitness to become runners or start playing tennis again or do mountain hikes, others just enjoy how they feel and look. How they cope with everyday life. This is probably the most mentioned benefit apart from becoming lean and toned. 
Weather your goal is to lose weight, or you want to become a runner, break a personal best, or do Ironman, this website is for you. I am here for you because nothing gives me more pleasure than to see how exercise transforms peoples lives. 

Outrunthebear's most popular program is Strong in 20. This program literally takes 20 min a day, and you can need minnimal equipment. Read more

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